
HealthcareEnsuring Physical and Emotional Wellness in Your Life

Having and maintaining a good physical and mental state of health is of paramount importance. This is so that your wellness will not be compromised in any way. To do this, there are certain things you should be aware of.

For instance, it is not out of place to understand the leading causes of death and threat to wellness in your environment. This will enable you to take the right measures in everything that you do. If you are interested in stats showing the causes of death and threat to wellness, you can click here.

One of the information you should get to have and maintain a good lifestyle is the various dimensions of wellness and how to do well in all. We will walk you through 2 of these dimensions and how to live well in them.

We hope that you keep reading as the information shared here is certain to benefit everyone. But first, it is important that we understand exactly what wellness means.

What Is Wellness?

This has to do with being in a good state in all areas of one’s life. It is an all-encompassing approach to living well.

You have to take a look at the person’s life and make judgments based on his/her state in all of the dimensions of wellness. It is not until this happens that you can make valid conclusions on the wellbeing of a person.

This is important because while someone might be doing fine in one area, he might be in a pathetic state in another. So, psychologists and wellness counselors at large make out plans to examine the state of their clients in all of the areas. The result will then help in creating a wellness plan.

Various Dimensions of Wellness

The dimensions of wellness simply mean the various areas that are to be considered before anyone can be said to experience wellness. Frankly, some groups are divided in the number of dimensions that are to be considered.

There are schools of thought that say there are 7 areas while some say 12. Whichever it is, you should know that they all raise valid points in their argument. However, we will just discuss 2 of the common dimensions in this part and how to live well in these areas.


You should know that every school of thought on this matter admits that this is one of the dimensions. This goes to say that it is very important and your wellbeing in this area should not be compromised.

This is especially because many people that lose their lives or have their wellbeing seriously threatened is because their physical state is negatively affected. You should therefore do everything reasonably possible to live well in this area.

Knowing if you are in the right physical state will also help a lot. To do this, you should think about your lifestyle as it relates to subjects such as sleep, nutrition, hygiene, physical exercise and activities at large, and relaxation. To have or maintain physical wellness, here are some of the things you should pay attention to:

Your Weight

Some people are not conscious of their weight and this is not the right approach to having or maintaining physical wellness. While we are not saying you should starve yourself and look skinny, you should ensure that you are not getting unnecessary fat in your body.

Maintain a Good Diet

People with diabetes or some chronic ailment are not the only ones expected to live on a diet. People who want to have and maintain physical wellness should live on a diet.

They are to make sure they eat what they need rather than what they want. This is even your best chance at having the right weight as explained above.

And by being on a healthy diet, we also mean staying away from things such as tobacco and others that can negatively impact your health. For more on this subject, you can visit: https://www.who.int/initiatives/behealthy/healthy-diet

Physical Exercise

Aside from paying attention to your eating habits, physical exercise is very important if you will attain physical wellness. So, you should make sure you do it consistently and rightly.

Speaking of not doing it rightly, some people use SARMs, different kinds of steroids, and several other synthetic means to look well physically. You should know that doing this naturally is a lot better and helps to avoid complications.

Other than these, there are other helpful tips. For instance, you have to watch what you wear. As much as you want to look good, you should not do it at the expense of your physical well-being. You should also try as much as possible to avoid situations that can expose you to physical danger.


Your emotional pattern is a very important part of what determines your mental health state. So, it is in your best interest to ensure that you attain wellness in this area. To make this happen, there are some things you should do:

Understand Yourself Better

Many people are so good at understanding people but make the mistake of not learning enough about themselves. It will be very good if you can understand yourself better. Know the things that are likely to get you frustrated, angry, sad, happy, excited, and all that.

You need to accept that you are who you are even if there is a negative side to it. This is the first step towards becoming a better person.

Release Your Emotions Properly

This is especially relevant if the emotions in question are negative. First, you should understand that bottling up your pain, frustration, and sadness is a terrible idea. You will fare better when you release the emotions.

However, releasing emotions is not the only thing. You need to release it to the right person/people. Also, you need to release it the right way. This means you should be deliberate about communicating your emotions properly.

For instance, communicating your anger or sadness should be without violence. The truth is that some people will require professional help to do this.

As a matter of fact, the help some people need is beyond psychology. There may be a need for medical assistance. You can visit Tampa Counseling and Wellness Psychology for more on this subject.

Be Consistently Positive

The truth is that there will always be something that you need. In fact, every new acquisition will open you up to a new need. It is for this reason that you should be happy about the things that you have and have accomplished.

While you must be driven to achieve better things, you should do it with optimism. Be positive rather than allowing doubts and fears to affect you adversely.

Have the Right Circle of Influence

You should be particular about having the right circle of influence if emotional wellness matters to you. This is because your association can make or mar you.

The advice they give, what they make you do, say, think, all matters. So, seriously consider the people you allow into your life.


We have discussed 2 major dimensions of wellness in this article and how to live well in these areas. We strongly advise that you take the information shared here very seriously. This is so that you live a better life. Also, understand that there is nothing wrong with getting professional help if/when you need it.

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