If you’re considering getting laser hair removal, it’s important to understand the aftercare process. It’s essential to take good care of your skin after the treatment to ensure results are long-lasting and that your skin remains healthy. So without further ado, here is a detailed list of tips for taking care of your skin after laser hair removal in Brisbane.
Avoid Sun Exposure
For at least two weeks after your treatment, make sure to avoid direct sun exposure as much as possible – this includes tanning beds too! If you must be out in the sun, make sure you wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and reapply every two hours.
Cool Down Your Skin
Immediately after your laser hair removal appointment, apply a cold compress or ice pack to the area for up to 15 minutes for pain relief and to minimise any swelling.
Take Care When Cleaning
You should wash the treated area twice a day with lukewarm water and a mild soap or cleanser that does not contain any exfoliating agents (like glycolic acid). Gently pat dry with a clean towel afterwards; do not rub!
Avoid Hot Baths & Showers
It’s important to avoid hot baths and showers after your laser hair removal treatment, since this can aggravate irritated skin. Opt for cooler temperatures when showering or bathing, as hot water can increase inflammation and cause more discomfort. Additionally, be sure to pat (not rub!) your skin dry afterward rather than scrubbing it.
Moisturise Regularly
Be sure to moisturise your skin regularly post-treatment, using products specifically designed for sensitive skin types. It is also beneficial to use products containing Vitamin E as well as aloe vera, both of which can help soothe irritated areas while promoting healthy cell regeneration following a laser hair removal session. Be sure to read labels carefully when choosing moisturisers, as some may contain irritating ingredients such as fragrances or alcohol which can worsen existing skin irritation caused by the treatment itself.
Avoid Exfoliants & Hair Removal Methods
And finally, until all signs of redness have gone down, avoid using any exfoliants (like scrubs) on the treated area as well as other hair removal methods (waxing/shaving).
Ready to get started?
By following these simple tips, you can ensure you’ll get the maximum benefit from your laser hair removal experience, while keeping your skin healthy and looking its best! Good luck!
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