
HealthcareMaking Unsightly Stretch Marks A Thing Of The Past

Stretch marks may have been deemed a badge of honor in the age of body positivity. Still, like it or not, they are unsightly, and most women would do whatever it took to make them disappear. Thankfully we live in an age of technology and advancement. Because of that, stretch mark treatments are a viable option for getting rid of the frustrating scars.

Tons of over-the-counter creams and potions market themselves as the solution to making stretch marks disappear. Unfortunately, however, there isn’t much in the way of evidence or science to back up those claims. However, there are cosmetic and aesthetic treatments that can help reduce the visibility of stretch marks, but first, let us talk a bit about what they are.

What exactly are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are scarring that occurs on the dermis level of the skin. As the name implies, these marks happen when your skin is stretched out for one reason or another. It can occur nearly anywhere on the body, but some of the most common areas where it appears are the belly, chest, arms, butt, and hips.

How Stretch Marks Happen

There are several reasons you can end up with stretch marks, from pregnancy to bodybuilding. These are a few examples of some of the most common ways people end up with stretch marks.

While pregnant, a woman’s stomach expands to accommodate the growing life at a rate that the skin can’t quite keep up with, and while your skin heals, it can scar. As a result, pregnancy stretch marks can appear as long, lightly colored stripes or even darker red lines across the upper and lower regions of the stomach. Most stretch marks, even those gained during pregnancy, fade as they age. Pregnancy stretch marks are also standard on the breasts as the breasts rapidly expand to provide nutrients for the newly born baby.

Weight gain is the following most common reason people have stretch marks. Rapid weight gains expand the skin leaving tears that, once healed, result in stretch marks.

Puberty is another time, especially in a women’s life, when we are particularly prone to getting stretch marks. Though often the younger we are, the more elastic the skin is and less likely to scar the changes in breast size during puberty can often leave stretch marks that last.

Rapidly increasing muscle size has the same effect as rapid weight gain. Even though this is the healthier option, the skin still has to stretch to accommodate the newly enlarged muscles.

Treatments for Stretch Marks That Work

As we pointed out in the beginning, there aren’t any over-the-counter or do-at-home methods that will help with stretch marks no matter how many claims they make. Scars are skin damage and until recently were something we just had to endure.

These days, however, there are high-quality scientifically based treatments to help make those scars a thing of the past.

SharpLight treatments are among the most technologically advanced treatments on the market. They work by using a combination of Intense Pulsed Light Therapy, Infrared, and Radio Frequency treatments. You can also check the benefits of infrared body wraps.

One of the ways these technologies work is by nudging the body into creating more collagen. Light therapies can also help to reduce the visibility of scar tissue.

One of the great things about the SharpLight treatment stations is they are appropriate for all skin types. They also work on all kinds and colors of stretch marks as well as new stretch marks or scars you have had for years.

What to Expect During a Treatment

First, it’s important to note that treatment plans are custom to each client. The technician you work with will create a plan tailored specifically to your body and designed to give you the most satisfying results possible.

These stretch mark treatments are considered non-invasive, which means that there won’t be any downtime when you go in for treatments.

The treatment process itself is generally painless. There also won’t be any evidence that you’ve had treatment at all so that you can go back to your daily routine without interruption.

Your technician will walk you through the process and make you comfortable. They are highly trained individuals who are happy to explain everything before getting started.

How Long Does it Take?

Each treatment is quick, lasting somewhere between half an hour and ninety minutes. However, results generally do not come from a single treatment.

Generally, there will need to be a series of treatments anywhere from three to five sessions for the best results.

Because each person has unique needs, the treatment technician is the one who will help decide how many treatments are suitable for your particular stretch marks.

Preventing Stretch Marks?

So is there a way to prevent stretch marks in the future? Once you have undergone treatments and are happy with your results, it’s essential to know how to avoid stretch marks from reoccurring.

First, do your best to avoid any rapid weight gain. Unfortunately, pregnancy almost always comes with stretch marks, and it’s nearly unavoidable. However, you can help minimalize them by watching what you eat, even when pregnant. But be sure to check in with your doctor before making any significant dietary changes.

The healthier your skin is overall; the less visible stretch marks are likely to be. So, make sure to do things like put on the proper sunscreen when going out. Following other recommendations for good skin can also go a long way in reducing the likelihood of ending up with dramatic stretch marks, like drinking plenty of water and eating a healthy diet.

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