Good oral health can provide many benefits. It will not only help you develop a sparkling smile that will boost your confidence, but it can aid chewing, prevent toothache, and avoid seemingly endless visits to the dentist. Also, research has found that good oral health can prevent the development of various medical conditions, such as heart
1. Visit Your Dentist
According to recent research, 62% of Americans are afraid to visit the dentist. Plus, another 62% stated they would be more afraid of a dental appointment than a visit to a surgeon or neurologist.
If you’re one of the many people living with dental phobia, you must face your fears to avoid various dental issues throughout your life, such as cavities, gum
2. Cut Out Sugar
Limit trips to the dentist by cutting refined sugar out of your diet. If you often indulge in candies, chips, and sodas, you might struggle with dental cavities that could result in multiple visits to a dental chair.
Sugar is a common cause of tooth decay, as it will lead to a formation of plaque that will erode your enamel and gums. If you do treat yourself to a snack or soda, brush and floss your teeth afterward.
3. Improve Dental Alignment
Straight teeth cannot only work wonders for your self-confidence, but they can aid good brushing and flossing techniques. What’s more, a good alignment will improve your bite to support the overall health and strength of your teeth.
If your teeth are a little crooked, you could improve your oral health and self-esteem by wearing Invisalign braces. However, you will need to learn about what you can eat when wearing the braces, which will provide the best outcome after you’ve completed the dental treatment.
4. Make Time to Floss
According to a 2016 study, only 30% of Americans floss their teeth and gums daily, and another 32% stated they never floss. If you avoid flossing, food particles will stick inside your teeth, and the bacteria can promote inflammation and the development of gum
When you pick up floss, you must wrap a foot of it around your fingers while keeping a minimum of two inches between your hands to floss between your teeth. Also, ensure you unroll a fresh section when you move onto the next tooth. Always keep the floss flush against a tooth to remove plaque.
5. Quit Smoking
While most people are aware that smoking is bad for their health, they might be unaware that it can cause various dental health issues, such as:
- Oral cancer
- Gum
disease - Tooth loss
Cigarettes also contain tar and nicotine that can stain your teeth an unpleasant yellow shade. For the above reasons, you must ditch the bad habit. If you’re struggling to quit, talk to your doctor for advice and options that could help you stop smoking once and for all.

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