
Covid-19FitnessThe New Normal in the Fitness Industry

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has changed enormously. So much so that we now live in the new normal. The major change is that our lives have moved indoors overnight and we have to adapt all the major activities in our lives to this. The great wide open is now the great indoors.

The fitness industry used to rely on motivating people to get out of their homes and offices and getting them to go to the gym or to the park to exercise. Since that is not a viable option anymore, the industry had to adapt quickly and move indoors along with the people. Workouts now take place in living rooms and yards and the trainers must guide people from a distance, online, via Zoom, Skype, and YouTube even a fitness or gym center uses the best gym membership software to easily manage the business and customers.

Digital Fitness Is Flourishing

In 2020, the fitness industry has become almost entirely digital. This industry has seen one of the biggest leaps to online development. Not only do people have to go online for workouts, but even the trainers can learn the craft via the word wide web. You can become a certified trainer and even earn specialized fitness certificates by taking online fitness courses. In fact, there is a great need for fitness specialists at the moment because people are realizing the importance of physical exercise.

After a few months indoors, working from home and indulging in home-cooked meals and Netflix, most people have gained weight. In the beginning, it seemed that the indoor living would only be temporary, but here we are, several months later, with no clear end in sight, but with quite a few extra pounds. The need for physical exercise has sunk in and now people are looking for various alternatives to integrate fitness into their lives.

Creativity Is Key in Digital Fitness

The biggest challenges of exercising indoors are the lack of space and not having access to fitness equipment. Purchasing equipment for home requires a notable investment, so most people don’t opt for this. Instead, the simplest solution and the one that most people have turned to is looking for workouts that don’t require special equipment.

This is where the creativity of the fitness instructors has kicked in. They had to adapt most workout sessions to fit the people’s environment. This year, the top workouts are those that can be done in very small spaces and that require no equipment at all. Then, there are the workouts that give household items a new purpose. For example, broomsticks are excellent for stretching and water bottles can be adapted into weights.

While recording a few workouts following these guidelines may not have been too challenging for fitness experts in the beginning, coming up with more and more workout programs under the same restrictions has become increasingly difficult.

However, this is an amazing opportunity for the brightest minds in fitness to develop full-scale programs to meet the current needs of the people. Unfortunately, we are going to be stuck in the new normal for the foreseeable future, so we have to adapt to these conditions in the long run.

The Need for Digital Fitness

Spending day after day in the house comes with many challenges, but among the biggest is the lack of physical movement, which leads to a cohort of negative effects like weight gain, depression, bone and joint pain, or even respiratory issues. Regular exercise was a must for each of us in pre-pandemic conditions, but it is paramount in the new normal.

No matter how much we move around the house, it will never get remotely close to our pre-pandemic routine. So, in the times of COVID-19, it is essential that we exercise at home every single day to make up for all the steps we’re not taking to work and back, to meeting friends, to visiting relatives, to going to the movies, and all the other regular activities we had before the virus changed the world.

It is by exercising at home that we can stay healthy and strong in the face of COVID-19. We need healthy bodies to be protected from the virus and we need healthy minds to get through these difficult times, and physical exercise, like Spicy Pilates, is the way we can get there. Digital fitness is the key to a healthy tomorrow!

This post has been sponsored by Amebae Online Pty Ltd

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