
DentistrySame Day Dental Crown Specialist – Greenbelt Digital Dentistry Specialized in Crowns

If you have reached the point when a dental crown has been recommended or you already have lost teeth and you are thinking about how you can solve this problem, then you have come to the right place. We will discuss extensively about it below.

We will determine when necessary and when we can choose other solutions and we will talk about what material to choose for your dental crown. You will find out what advantages it brings but also if there are disadvantages and we will inform you about the necessary steps. Furthermore, the dentist specializing in crowns will give you a guarantee for all prosthetic work performed. This procedure has a warranty, depending on the material from which it is made, between five and ten years, but we assure you that they will be good for as long as you live.

When do you need a dental crown?

First things first. You have come to read this article probably because you got home from the dentist and he recommended dental protection or you just think that this is the only solution for that tooth that you want to fix. In reality, the full coverage of the tooth with this is the variant with the highest degree of removal of the natural dental structure.

The truth is somewhere in the middle and I’ll explain why. Designing a dental crown means to replace the coronary part, the visible part of the tooth. It is advisable to replace it when cavities have significantly damaged it. Now, the magnitude of natural coronary destruction and the need to replace it with an artificial dental crown remains to be decided by the physician that treats you. Read this.

Types of dental facades

A dental crown can be made out of different materials. Depending on the material or materials they are made of, they are divided into several categories: Acrylic, metal-acrylic, metal-ceramic dental, zirconium, ceramic or whole ceramic.

Depending on the manufacturing process they are divided into:

  • Dental crowns made mostly by a dental technician in which the human factor is involved 100%, and the precision varies from technician to technician.
  • dental crowns made by a CAD-CAM milling machine under the supervision of the dental technician where a computer partially assures the design of a dental technician and the milling machine does the execution 100%. Here the precision is at the highest level.

Additional info: https://www.dentaleconomics.com/articles/print/volume-109/issue-2/science-tech/what-type-of-crown-should-i-use.html

When it comes to putting such an embellishment, this is usually recommended because a need arises. The criteria you should turn to when choosing which type of dental crown is used is in the order of their importance as follows:

What’s the purpose of it?

Does it have a prosthetic repair purpose, i.e. it has to replace a tooth in the back area? If so then you have to choose a dental crown as strong as the first part of the functional component.

Is it orthodontic, that is, covering a tooth for a limited time in the idea that the tooth is to be mobilized and moved to another position? If so, then the facade must be economical and should be easily replaceable it in the future.

Does it have an aesthetic role? If it is a front tooth, then you have to choose a very rich material that can reproduce the color of your neighboring teeth correctly and has good gingiva compatibility.

Is its purpose both aesthetic and also to repair something? This is the way things should be, that is, a dental crown to perform all the functions superlatively. Then you have to head to the dental crowns made with the latest technologies and materials.

How much time do you have?

Certain dental crowns have a manufacturing process faster than others. If you are pressured by time and you are in a hurry or you have other things planned, it is good to talk with your dentist and ask him what the best option for you from this point of view is.

In addition, all of our denture treatments are painless so that you can feel as comfortable as possible on the dentist’s chair. The dental impression of each patient personalizes each treatment.

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