Healthcare never stops innovating. Catch up with how you can get, and stay, connected with It Takes a Village. This isn’t a book about the healthcare industry for the healthcare industry, this is a book for the rest of us.
Pereau’s first book, The
It ended proclaiming that we are on the verge of connected health. It Takes a Village explores what happens when we are all connected. We cannot emphasize enough that these books are for everyone and not just industry healthcare professionals! Kevin Pereau, ‘The
“I started writing about healthcare after reconnecting with some former classmates who confided in me that they now have type 2 diabetes. When I asked them what tools they were using to better connect with their healthcare stakeholders they said ‘There is nothing for people like us. We did this to ourselves’. I was heartbroken. What good is all this innovation we are doing if nobody knows about it? It Takes a Village was written to help fix that.
“In it, I interviewed 30 of healthcare’s top thought leaders. I caught up with who is innovating and how end-users can take advantage. We give examples of how people with diabetes can now capture and share their blood values with their doctors while
Praise for It Takes a Village
“I commend this book to everyone who believes that healthcare is too broken to be fixed. In it, you will meet a remarkable array of people – entrepreneurs, educators, public servants, and more – who have rolled up their sleeves and are working hard to serve the healthcare consumers of the world. Kevin Pereau is our guide into this optimistic world. I recommend this book to you.”
– Senator William Frist, M.D.
“As more people experienced at least one
– Aneesh Chopra, President of CareJourney and Former U.S. Chief Technology Officer (2009-2012)
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#DigitalHealth #PatientEngagement
For Information, Contact
Kevin Pereau
TranscendIT Health
Twitter: @DigitalHlth_Guy
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