Mindheal – Harm Reduction for Everyone!
Not so long ago we found a very interesting project on the web and now we will tell you about it.
Mindheal emerged at the end of 2022. This is a non-commercial online project that aims to tell as many people as possible about the principles of Harm Reduction and change the attitude of society towards psychoactive substances and those who use them.
But first, let’s figure out something.
What Harm Reduction is?
Harm Reduction refers to policies, programs, and practices that aim to minimize the negative health, social, and economic consequences associated with drug use, especially in individuals who are not ready or able to stop using drugs. It is a pragmatic approach that focuses on improving the well-being of individuals and communities rather than solely aiming to eliminate drug use.
One of the key components of harm reduction is the involvement of peers, particularly people who use drugs. Peer involvement can lead to better outcomes in harm reduction services. The success of peer involvement is driven by trust, personal commitment, empathy, and the utilization of community knowledge and experience. Peers often act as ‘bridges’ and ‘role models’, connecting individuals to services and modeling safer behaviors.
Harm reduction programs often include educational components that inform individuals about safer drug use practices, the risks associated with drug use, and available support services.
Harm reduction strategies have shown positive outcomes in various settings. For example, peer involvement in HIV and harm reduction services in low- and middle-income countries has been linked to positive health outcomes, including reduced HIV incidence and prevalence. Harm reduction approaches have also been associated with increased service access, improved service acceptability and quality changed risk behaviors, and a reduction in stigma and discrimination.
So, what does the Mindheal team do?
Articles on the website
There is a whole section on the Mindheal website where it tells in detail about Harm Reduction and all aspects of this direction of modern addictology – the science of addiction. You can read these articles here.
All materials on the site are written and published by a certified doctor, a native of Ukraine Alexander Gorovoy. He has been specializing in addictology for decades.
AI Chatbot
But that’s not all. The Mindheal team understands that articles on the Internet will not achieve much. They want to really help people who should not remain in the dark and should have quick access to specialized information.
To do this, Mindheal has created a chatbot that can answer questions about drugs, addiction, psychology, and other aspects of health. The bot is based on the hyped ChatGPT, is regularly updated, and has additional options – you can find out the safe dosages of substances, evaluate the safety of combinations of different substances and find useful links directly in the bot.
At the moment, the Mindheal chatbot is available in the Telegram app. It`s free and solid. The team plans to add it to other platforms for the convenience of users.
YouTube Videos
In addition, Mindheal has a small but already quite popular YouTube channel, where they conduct educational videos, broadcasting about the principles of Harm Reduction and various aspects of addiction.
We really wanted to tell you about this project. There is a small team of specialists and enthusiasts. They are doing a really good and useful thing. Go to their website, check their bot, watch videos, and tell about Mindheal to those who maybe need some knowledge and help.
Thanks for your attention.
Be healthy!

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