Author: Dr. Kirsten Strudwick (Chiropractor)
If you’ve ever experienced back pain, you know that it literally stops you in your tracks. It can stop you from moving freely, from playing your favourite sports, and from exercising, it can cause issues with sleeping, and impact your overall happiness.
Back pain affects people all over the world. According to the recent Global Burden of Disease Study 2021, the instances of back pain are increasing – not decreasing – the world over. Fortunately, there are several innovations coming out within the health tech startup space that are helping to tackle the issue of back pain.
This articles takes a look at 8 of these cutting edge health startups and how they are tackling back pain.
Digital therapy platforms
What is a digital health platform? A digital healthcare platforms is an online system that integrates various health services, such as telemedicine, electronic health records, and wellness apps, to provide accessible, comprehensive, and personalised healthcare management and support for patients and providers.
It can be a website, a custom portal, or an app. It helps patients by providing online programs that relate to treatment, exercise, therapy, education and support. The key is that it’s virtual. Virtual therapy sessions include activities that people can do from home.
The scope here is enormous given that it’s digital, its accessible, and virtually anyone around the world with an internet connection can get access to various digital therapy platforms.
Exercise plans
When it comes to addressing back pain, this presents us with an incredible opportunity and a new advantage in delivering better patient outcomes. Online therapy platforms can include personalised exercise plans tailored to your unique situation. They can also include virtual therapy sessions with things that you’re able to do at home. They can house a wide variety of educational resources on how you can better manage back pain.
Kaia Health
Kaia offers an app that uses AI to create customised exercise plans. It provides video instructions for exercises and tracks your progress. The app also includes educational content about back pain and its management.
Hinge Health
Hinge Health combines wearable sensors with a digital app to guide you through physical therapy exercises. The sensors ensure you perform exercises correctly, and the app provides real-time feedback.
Wearable devices
Another great innovation in the health tech field is wearable technology, or wearable devices. These are things you are probably already familiar with, like the Fitbit or the Apple watch, that can measure your step count. Even iPhones can track your step count. However, wearable devices go beyond tracking a simple step count.
These gadgets can help you manage back pain in a variety of ways. They often include sensors which can monitor your posture and your activity levels. They can give you alerts, for example, when your head goes into forward posture, or if you’re sitting for too long behind a desk.
Lumo Lift
This small device clips onto your clothing and vibrates when you slouch. It helps you maintain good posture, which can reduce back pain over time.
Upright Go
Similar to Lumo Lift, Upright Go sticks to your upper back and provides gentle reminders to sit or stand up straight. The device connects to an app that tracks your posture progress.
Telehealth services
Telehealth is an area of innovative health care that’s been on the up and up since covid. You probably are aware that a lot of services went online because of the limitations in terms of physical consultations. However, since then, there’s been enormous innovation in the telehealth service space.
Telehealth services allow you to consult with a wide range of healthcare professionals, even if you are not located near them. This has significant implications and benefits for healthcare in regional and rural areas, as patients can now access previously unavailable services. Telehealth services can include video consultations with doctors or physical therapists, online pain management programs, and specialist advice from the comfort of your own home.
Physitrack offers telehealth services, where you can have video consultations with physical therapists. The platform also provides exercise programs and tracks your progress.
Vori Health
Vori Health provides a comprehensive approach to back pain management. Their services include video consultations, personalised treatment plans, and ongoing support from a team of healthcare professionals.
Innovative back support
We also have innovation in the orthotic space with innovative back supports. These new type of back supports, back braces, or a system that’s designed to alleviate back pain, are being designed in ways that provide better support and more comfort than traditional orthotics options. They are also using AI and machine data analysis to analyse each patient and therefore, are able to come up with personalised devices unique to each patient’s circumstances.
BackEmbrace is a posture corrector that supports your upper back and shoulders. It’s designed to be comfortable and discreet, helping to reduce pain without being intrusive.
BetterBack is a support device that you wear around your lower back and knees. It helps you sit in a proper posture, reducing strain on your back.
Why these start-ups matter
Healthtech startups are vital n combating back pain and sedentary lifestyles. As back pain cases rise, people are increasingly opting for proactive approaches to healthcare management. These startups offer innovative solutions, promoting active lifestyles and providing tools for effective back pain management.
The great news is that these innovations are now accessible to anyone with an internet connection or accessible to the technology. Many of these solutions, including educational components, are available online, providing access to a wider international audience.
Many of these tech innovations, especially wearable tech, offer personalised solutions based on your own metrics and data. This allows for a treatment plan unique to your condition, which should ultimately lead to better patient outcomes.
These 8 featured start-ups are pushing the boundaries of traditional back pain management, offering new and effective solutions. And there are many more to come.
Disclaimer: This article is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.
Author: Dr Kirsten Strudwick (Chiropractor) is a Doctor of Chiropractic with 15+ years of experience in Marrickville, Sydney, and runs Marrickville Chiropractic Care. Holding a BSc and M.Chiro from Macquarie University, her practice focuses on holistic, patient-centred care. Kirsten has a clinical interest in a range of areas including women’s health, paediatric care, and pregnancy-related treatments.

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