A range of treatments spanning from fertility medications to In vitro fertilization (IVF) are offered by fertility specialists to treat infertility. Treatments are tailored to the individual needs of the patients. Although treatment needs vary based on individual factors, three primary treatments are used to treat infertility.
Fertility drugs, intrauterine insemination (IUI), and surgery are typically used to treat female infertility. However, many women require multiple treatments, including advanced therapies, to restore fertility and achieve pregnancy. Moreover, there are specific tests for men to identify potential male infertility.
With the understanding that there are multiple ways in which infertility can be traced back, including unexplained fertility, specialists must offer a vast range of testing options. In doing so, they can effectively determine the root of the issue and the best course of action. For more information on the treatment options fertility specialists like Fertility Specialist in Dallas offer, continue reading.
Contacting A Fertility Specialist in Dallas: Infertility Evaluations
Before your provider can determine the causes of your infertility, they will need to conduct an infertility evaluation. Your Fertility Specialist in Dallas or a similar provider will record your sexual health information and make recommendations to increase the chance of pregnancy. Sometimes, procedures are performed to evaluate the situation.
Once this routine assessment is completed, you’ll be informed of the appropriate tests. Depending on your Fertility Specialist in Dallas or similar provider’s diagnoses, you may be advised to proceed with specific tests. Here is an overview of tests that may apply:
Infertility Tests For Women
- Ovulation testing (determines if you are ovulating)
- Imaging tests (pelvis ultrasound or saline infusion sonogram)
- Hysterosalpingography (a uterus cavity and fallopian tube X-ray)
- Ovarian reserve testing (tells the number of eggs available)
- Hormone testing (various hormone level checks related to reproduction)
- Hysteroscopy (tests for uterine disease)
- Laparoscopy (pinpoints issues like scarring, irregularities, and endometriosis)
Infertility Tests For Men
- semen specimen analysis
- genetic testing
- hormone testing
- Testicular biopsy (determines whether abnormalities play a role in infertility; also done to gather sperm for assisted reproduction techniques)
- imaging studies (brain MRI, scrotal ultrasound, vasography, or transrectal ultrasound)
The treatment options for infertility are based on the diagnoses you receive from your Fertility Specialist in Dallas or a similar provider.
Treatments For Men
- bettering the timing of intercourse
- increasing intercourse frequency
- exercising consistently
- abstaining from toxic substances and certain medications
- taking medications that increase sperm count, production, and quality
- surgical procedures
- sperm retrieval techniques
Treatments For Women
- fertility drugs (to stimulate ovulation)
- Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): (Healthy sperm are put into the uterus around the time when the eggs are ready for fertilization).
- Hysteroscopic surgery (to restore fertility caused by uterine issues)
- Laparoscopic surgery (to restore fertility caused by endometriosis, large fibroids, and pelvic adhesions)
Starting Your Fertility Journey
If you’re ready to start your fertility journey, contact a fertility specialist like a Fertility Specialist in Dallas or a similar provider and schedule your first appointment. Make your plans for parenthood a real possibility with a team that’s ready to help.
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One comment
September 13, 2023 at 6:45 pm
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