
GeneralWhat Health Issues Are Caused By Alcoholism?

Alcoholism is a serious addiction that can soon take its toll on a person’s life. There are many mental and physical health problems that can develop both in the short term and the long term, and we are going to explore those issues in this article.

If you or someone that you love have been battling with alcoholism, this article is well worth a read. You must be aware of the dangers of prolonged alcohol abuse if you are to seriously consider seeking the appropriate treatment.

What is alcoholism?

The official alcoholism meaning is: addiction to the consumption of alcoholic drink; alcohol dependency, but, there’s so much more to it than that. Sometimes, alcoholism is linked to a variety of triggers and deeper mental health issues which can make treating it difficult.

If you are to overcome your addiction to alcohol, first you must understand the why. When you seek out rehab treatment from a reputable clinic they will typically take you through various steps to identify the root cause of the problem in order to treat it effectively and prevent future relapse. In any case, here is what you will be looking at in the future if you do not make an effort to curb your alcoholism soon.

1 – Liver disease

Because alcohol is metabolised in the liver, there is a high risk of damage through alcohol abuse. Alcohol liver disease is typically influenced by the amount of alcohol consumed and the duration of the addiction.

Those who drink heavily are at a significantly higher risk because it increases the fat on your liver and it can cause irreparable problems.

Other effects on the liver can include long-term inflammation (aka alcoholic hepatitis) which can lead to internal scarring.

As the years pass by, with continued alcohol consumption, the scarring can completely invade the liver and cause serious damage to the organ itself.

Once the liver is damaged to such an extent it will no longer be able to perform its crucial life-sustaining functions which can cause organ failure and even death.

2 – Pancreatitis

When you consume too much alcohol for too long it can cause the pancreas to inflame, often leading to hospitalisation. Around 70% of pancreatitis affects people who regularly drink far too much alcohol.

3 – Various forms of cancer

You will have an increased risk of cancer through chronic alcohol consumption, including the mouth, oesophagus, larynx, stomach, liver, colon, rectum, and breast. Those who smoke tobacco in addition to drinking have a much higher risk of developing cancer in the gastrointestinal tract and the lungs.

4 – Ulcers

Heavy drinking also causes serious issues within the digestive system, including stomach ulcers, increased acid reflux, and heartburn.

The alcohol passes through the gastrointestinal tract and begins to cause damage, leading to enlarged veins and internal bleeding.

5 – A weakened immune system

Another serious issue to consider is the effect that drinking can have on your immune system. Alcohol causes significant changes in your red and white blood cells thus impacting your body and making you more prone to infectious diseases.

With each episode of heavy drinking, you will be reducing your body’s ability to fight off any unwanted, foreign infections.

6 – Brain damage

Symptoms of alcohol use include blurred vision, lapse in memory, slurred speech, and slower reaction times. These are all linked to the effects that alcohol has on the brain.

Alcohol alters your brain receptors and neurotransmitters which influences your cognitive function, moods, and emotions. When you consume alcohol in large amounts over many years, some of this damage can become permanent.

Another serious issue to consider is the fact that excessive alcohol consumption speeds up the brain’s natural aging process which can result in early and permanent dementia.

7 – Vitamin deficiencies

This is largely due in part to a poor diet, however, it is also because the nutrients that you intake are not broken down properly as they are not adequately absorbed into the blood through the gastro tract.

8 – Osteoporosis

Heavy alcohol use, particularly in those who began during adolescence has an increased risk of developing osteoporosis, which leads to a loss of bone mass. This condition increased the risk of fractures and splintering of the bones. Again, this is due to the interference with your nutrient intake – specifically calcium and vitamin D.

9 – Heart disease and cardiovascular health issues

Heavy drinking leads to high blood pressure which leads to the release of certain hormones that constrict the blood vessels, thus having an adverse effect on the heart. Over time this can lead to a higher risk of heart failure.

Another potentially deadly complication that comes through years of binge drinking is suffering a stroke.

10 – Accidents and injuries

Drinking alcohol is linked to a wide variety of accidents and injuries, particularly drink driving and car crashes. In addition, excessive alcohol consumption is linked to domestic violence, occupational injuries, and even suicide. Not only do you put yourself in greater danger through continued alcoholism, but those around you as well.

The mental health effects of alcoholism are equally as dangerous

It’s not just your physical health that you should be concerned with, but your mental health as well. The fact is, alcohol is a depressant that influences your mood and emotions when consumed. If you drink too much for too long it can lead to anxiety and depression. This in turn makes taking care of yourself even more difficult and you can start neglecting key responsibilities such as getting regular exercise, eating well, and even turning up to work.

Heavy drinking interferes with all of the chemicals which are crucial for good mental health. If you feel that you are falling into a spiral of depression and you are struggling to control your alcohol consumption, then you may wish to seek out a private addiction treatment clinic for help with rehabilitation.

If you cannot imagine your life without alcohol that is usually a good sign that you have an alcohol problem.

Alcoholism can destroy relationships

Aside from the physical and mental health impacts of alcoholism, another consideration is the effects that it can have on your relationships – familial and professional. When you are driven to drink excessive amounts, often at the detriment of yourself and the other people around you, people soon begin to lose their patience. If you are forever letting your loved ones down, over time it may well lead to your spouse wanting to leave you, your boss wanting to fire you, and your family not wanting anything to do with you.

It is important to check your behaviour and take the necessary steps toward cleaning your life up. The last thing you want is to find yourself alone. Fortunately, there is much that you can do to work toward sobriety and with the proper care and support, you can achieve anything!

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