
HealthcareThe Refresher on the Basics of Health for February

Did you kick off your new year with the resolution of getting a healthier body, only to spend two days in the gym before you said “Nah”? Yes, a lot of us hit a slump and bow out by February and perhaps need a reminder of why we thought this healthy living stuff was a good idea in the first place.

If you’re in need of a refresher, take a look at our guide to getting back into the health kick.

Supplement your diet

If you’re starting to work out, or you are going on a diet that restricts certain food groups, or even if you want to be healthier overall, you should look into supplements.

Supplements can offer you nutrients that you would usually be getting from foods that otherwise have calories, moral issues or fat attached to them, they can prompt muscle mass and weight loss while working out, and they can boost nutrients in your body to keep long-term conditions at bay.

Turmeric, for example, has been used for its medicinal purposes for centuries, but you don’t get anywhere near the same levels of its beneficial nutrients from adding it to your curry once a month. You will need the best turmeric supplement for the best turmeric results.

Don’t forget to hydrate

You don’t need us to tell you that water is essential, but it might be the case that you’re not getting enough. Too many of us aren’t hitting that 2 liter a day milestone that we’re supposed to. Two liters sounds like a lot, but like anything else in life it can be broken down into easier chunks. Eight glasses also sounds daunting, but that means two before work, two before lunch, two in the afternoon, and two in the evening. Simple.

Why is it so important? Water is essential to many functions of the body, and when you’re not getting enough those functions start to break down. It’s likely that you’re not about to die of thirst, but you might experience headaches, migraines, dizziness, sore joints, and minor injuries due to not being hydrated enough. Staying hydrated has both short-term and long-term benefits.

Mind the mind

Why shouldn’t your mind be part of your healthcare routine? It’s part of your body after all.

Hopefully, with the implementation of water, diet, and regular exercise, you will see results in your mind too. All of these elements combined will give you more confidence, lower your anxiety, and better yet, will give you a goal to work towards and something that you are consistently improving at. You can boost your mental health by taking your workout into nature, and if it’s simply a matter of the gym being so boring, maybe look into wild swimming, rock climbing, dancing etc. Do what you love and have a passion for and you will get healthier in the process.

Now, that’s not to say that getting fitter will solve all the problems in your head. If you are really struggling, it would be best to talk to someone, whether that is a loved one simply listening, a trained professional, or a hotline for now. You can contact the Samaritans for a talk on 1 (800) 273-TALK.

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