
GeneralThe Best Way To Do A Three Day Cleanse

The modern American lifestyle loads us up with toxins. Our hectic pace and overloaded lives lead to us sometimes taking shortcuts with our diets.

Even if you try to eat as cleanly as possible, There is a certain amount of gunk that will inherently get into our bodies. 

Over time, that gunk builds up in your body, and you need to get rid of it. Leaving it in your body will make you sluggish and bloated.

In addition to feeling tired and weak, toxin build up in your body is bad for all of your organ systems. Your liver and kidney process all those poisons out, and they can get overworked and tired, leading to all types of other side effects. 

What is the solution to this? A cleanse. There are all types of cleanses, and each serves a different purpose. 

If you are generally in good health and have cleansed fairly recently, you can do a half day or a one day fast. If you haven’t done a cleanse in some time, a three day cleanse will be necessary.

The best way to do this is with a juice cleanse.

Juice Cleanses are Easier on Your Body

One of the more common types of cleanse involves taking a laxative, typically a natural or an herbal laxative, that will cause you to flush all the junk out of your body. To put it delicately, a laxative based cleanse can be… unpleasant. 

Laxative cleanses work to force everything out of your body pretty quickly. While this means you may be able to complete a decent cleanse in 24-48 hours, they will not be hours that you will enjoy.

A 3 day juice cleanse is a much more natural way to cleanse your body. In addition to being natural, it is much less difficult to endure than a forced laxative cleanse.

At its most basic, a juice cleanse is just replacing all meals for a period of time with fruit and vegetable juices. There is some variety in how this should be done.

Some people who do a juice cleanse will just pick a 100% fruit juice and drink that any time they get hungry. While this will work, it can make you feel pretty terrible.

Orange juice, for example, is very sugary. If you are only consuming OJ for three days, your blood sugar will do a lot of spiking and crashing, leading to headaches, fatigue, and low energy throughout the cleanse. Orange juice also does very little to make you feel full, so you could end up consuming way more calories than you normally would.

Not all Juice Cleanses are the Same

The best way to do a juice cleanse is by mixing different types of juices. Vegetable juices offer more complex carbohydrates, and help provide more nutrients than some 100% fruit juices. 

By using a mixture of juices on your 3 day cleanse, you will feel full longer. By mixing different flavors, you will also feel more like you are having meals, since variety is something we automatically seek. 

Having a mixture of different juices will also help balance nutrients in your body while you are flushing toxins out. This will help avoid any post-cleanse drag. 

You can make your own mixture of juices, but the easiest way to do this is to buy a mixture of juices intended for cleansing. Stick with varied organic juices, and you will feel great. 

In summary, a juice cleanse is the most comfortable and natural way to cleanse toxins from your body. Cleanse this week, and feel better next week!

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