One guarantee in life is that failure will find its way in. Perhaps suddenly, expectedly or even out of spite, but no human can live without experiencing failure’s grip.
So why not thrive in it, “fail forward”, and learn to seek challenge amid adversity?
It’s a philosophy Rosario Martone lives by. In the new memoir, Orion: A Life-Changing Journey, Rosario helps readers seek solace and opportunity in the failures that will inevitably come.
To learn more about the topic, we conducted an interview with Rosario Martone.

1. How can we define failure?
Failure is something we tried and probably ended up differently from our expected result. As for Success, we do things in our lives and we then summarise whatever it came from it. Defining this result as a “failure” rather than a “success” is really our personal interpretation of it. In fact, what for someone this result it seems to be a failure, for others could be instead a success.
2. Can we say that failures are inevitable in someone’s life? Can you elaborate on that?
In my book, I have tried to share with the reader the things in my life where I think I have failed. In my opinion, failing is part of our life and really we shouldn’t consider badly these moments. Contrarily, we should accept our failures, welcoming them and learn from them. Analysing our failures is a powerful thing: we learn from our mistakes, sometimes much more than from our successes. And yes, failing is inevitable and I would add thanks to God they are! Otherwise we would not get benefits from these opportunities in our lives.
3. What inspired you to write your book ‘Orion: A Life-Changing Journey’?
Like everyone all around the world, COVID-19 gave me much more time to reflect on my life: I always wanted to write this book but I never had the time for it. As everyone, I was focused on everyday life and always postponed the book, marking it as “One day I will do that…” During the pandemic, I was looking for something which would have helped me to bring my mind somewhere else, escaping from the routine and my living room. This book gave me the opportunity to reorder and give a new prospective to my life. And this is what I truly hope the book will provide to the reader as it did for me.
4. What should one do when faced with failure?
Be thankful! Failing is a very important process in our life. Learning from our mistakes is something which can help you more than anything else. It’s though, I know, for someone could sound a bit nuts either. But I genuinely hope everyone should welcome failing at same level as for successes. People make mistakes. What you learn from them, well it’s entirely up to you.
5. What is “fail forward”?
It’s the process we learn when we raise ourselves from the punches that life gave us. What happens next is the most important thing – do you stay down or do you get up and go again? Sometimes, if you have eyes to see it, you get a new perspective when you’re lying on the canvas…
6. Where should one’s focus be geared towards most, his/her dreams or failure?
Don’t give up on your dreams. Never. Even when things start becoming hard and it seems that you are failing, it seems there is nothing else to fight for. You will be amazed about what you are able to do once you got this central point. People are capable of amazing things, everything is possible. If you really want it happens.
7. How can one overcome the feelings from a previous failure?
In the same way we overcome from a previous success. When we fails, we admit – to ourselves – we could have done better whatever we tried. Failing is the result of not trying enough and leave things take control of ourselves. I know this is something some people struggle in, for some of us it seems they are not strong enough. I can assure this is not true: each one of us is incredible in his own way: we just need to accept and find our secret weapon. Once we are owner and able to manage our potential, there is really nothing can stop us.
8. Should we totally forget about our failures or rather focus on the experiences we gained from such failures?
Oh Gosh, no! Never forget about our failures, that would bring us in failing in the exact same way, next time. What we have to do in get the lesson learnt and keep going.
9. How can your book help others navigate their failures?
In my book I have tried to be as much honest as possible. Trust me, sharing with strangers your failures is something that change your life: it makes you stronger and more in control of you life. Admitting your failures is helpful – to you – and to everyone is struggling in doing so. What the book is all about is try to show to the reader there is nothing wrong in navigate in their failures. It really helps you in make you a better person, learning from them.
10. What main traits should be available in one’s personality to be able to navigate failure?
Be honest with yourself. Be humble and thankful for the great opportunity you received. As a result, you get the most important thing: your happiness and health. That’s all matters.
11. Do you think technology can help in navigating failure?
This is a very good question. I am a software developer so maybe I am speaking as “someone who is trying to sell his product”. I honestly think, in general, technology speed up the way you can improve yourself. There is, like in anything else, the other side of the medal. Technology is a powerful tool and must be carefully used.
12. Can you share the major milestones in your life that contributed to your current personality?
The main facts I wrote about in my book are linked to the best thing I did in my life so far: moving myself in the United Kingdom. I went through all the things I had to do and, of course, the failures I had to accept. It has been really though, trust me, leaving my country, family, friends and put myself in front of completely new things. Different language, culture, people mindset. Living abroad it’s something I always wanted in my life. Thanks to my being focused on my final result, more than give priority and being afraid of failing, let me achieve my goal. Nothing is impossible in life, sometimes you just have to see from a different point of view if you want your dreams come true.
13. What recommendations would you like to give those chasing their dreams?
Keep going, never be afraid of failing. It will happen: that’s for sure. The most important thing is how to react.
And smile – there’s really nothing better you can do.

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