Medical care is something that always changes and adapts with new technological advances, and this is something that has taken leaps in recent years. If there is an industry that would benefit from greater connectivity, it is the vast and complex healthcare system. New technologies unavailable only a generation ago can allow greater information to get into the hands of both professionals, and the general public. The way services are delivered has changed and especially so in the last year with the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic. There have been fantastic innovations and adaptations in the face of this adversity that would not have been possible a decade ago.
Self-help & Dr. Google.
The beauty of the internet has allowed all of us access to a vast amount of data and information, sometimes so much that it seems overwhelming. In the area of health and wellbeing, we can all be more informed in leading a fit and healthy lifestyle. The value of this is immeasurable to healthcare systems, the healthier a lifestyle you or I live today lessens the reliance on medical care in the future. A strategy of preventative medicine saves millions over the whole of the system. This free to access information is not all good news. There is a lot of information that is untrue, unclear, or can cause unnecessary stress and worry if misinterpreted. It’s all too easy to convince yourself you have some terminal or serious condition by Googling symptoms that could point to a wide variety of conditions.
Web Diagnosis (Official)
As much as self-diagnosis can be a dangerous practice, web diagnosis can have benefits when used as part of a professional strategy. These days many medical centers have an online booking system. As part of that process, the patient may go through an online diagnosis tool, asking about symptoms, etc. The staff at the practice can then save time by preventing the need to ask those questions again. It can also allow choices as to which professional the patient needs. It might be an issue that needs to be dealt with by the practice nurse, or maybe a doctor, or perhaps the physio?
Video Consultation
The current pandemic has meant that it has been difficult to see patients in person, even those based locally. The new norm has been for video consultations, initially, and for all but essential services. Working almost exclusively with video feeds has made working with patients more difficult, but there are upsides to this new culture that we can use to make life easier for all of us. It potentially alters the way we can offer services to the public. Take The Dental Movement as an example, they offer video consultations to all patients. Doing things this way means they potentially can now take patients from anywhere globally. This opens new markets to healthcare providers and allows patients greater choice of treatment providers.
Health & Fitness Apps & Devices
Exercise and healthy living are part of the constant messages we look to give people to aid in a long and enjoyable life. Thankfully, technology can assist in this quest. There is no limit to the number of apps and tech devices that we can use to stay fit and healthy. You can find fitness and training programs via apps, diet monitoring through digital food diaries, and even wearable tech that monitors your activity levels and vital statistics.
High-Tech & the Future
We have some wonderful developments that seem like something out of a Sci-Fi novel but are a reality here and now. Surgeons can work remotely or with the assistance of surgical robots providing surgery in remote or distant locations. Robotic surgery can offer procedures to those who would never have had that opportunity in the past and allow surgeons to work where they are most needed, without the time-wasting travel in-between.
Collegiate Working & Linked Systems
Access to medical records, when a patient moved locations or had to have different procedures was a real headache in the past. But these days can be sent immediately online. Instant transfer of data allows quicker working and avoids unwanted delays in diagnosis.
Communicating Health Messages to the Public
Keeping the public informed is an integral part of any health service, and the variety of methods available with the rise of the internet has certainly helped in this task. Informational videos live public announcements, and information via social media is essential in reaching all sections of society.
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