On taking a glance through the official stats as made available by the Australian government, it comes to light that a large portion of the Australian population is above 65 years of age – 15% to be exact, which represents roughly 3.5 million citizens, and that was three years ago, back in 2017. As of 2020, millions of seniors are in need of care, albeit at different levels. Focusing on the digital aspects of senior care will help us get a better understanding of the many ways in which we can help our own aged family members lead a better life, as well as helping seniors who want to maintain their own independence.
Automatic Emergency Alerts
There are multiple ways in which the emergency alert systems work, but the central idea here is to provide seniors with a way to reach or contact help if they find themselves in a situation where they cannot do so via normal means.
Post a sudden stroke, for example, a single push of a button on an emergency remote can immediately send help to the senior’s address. Advanced fall detection systems can even detect a fall and alert the family members and emergency services immediately. These have been a boon to family members of the aged relatives who constantly worry about their wellbeing, in addition to being the obvious lifesavers that they are for seniors who live a solitary life.
One Button Help Systems for Hemiplegic Seniors and Patients of All Age
Bedsores or pressure ulcers have long remained a serious cause for both unnecessary pain and expenses in Australian hospitals, unfortunately. However, one button help systems allow Hemiplegic and semi paralysed patients to remind their nurses/caretakers to turn them over or change their lying positions, every two hours or sooner.
However, the system is still far less effective than a static mattress would be of course. To understand the situation, check out Bosshard Medical for their long-range of static mattresses for sale or rent in Sydney Australia. These pressure relieving mattresses redistribute the very pressure which causes bedsores in the first place, thus making them ideal for home care as well as for hospital beds. Now, the one-button help system is still a revolutionary introduction for other situations where the patient is in danger, and unable to call for help, but the static mattress is a much more necessary and effective way to prevent pressure injuries.
Real-Time Connection
When it comes to caring for patients who are in constant need of care, the ability to connect with doctors, nurses and caregivers in real-time can often make a huge difference in their future wellbeing. Services as listed below are making that possible, and are powered by the latest technology.
- Teleconferencing between seniors with limited mobility and their doctors
- Video calls between the two parties
- Sharing of medical reports seamlessly
- EHR making patient data universally accessible to all authorised medical personnel
The idea behind any kind of senior-oriented tech development or service is to either help them when they are in pain/discomfort/emergency or to help them maintain their health as best as possible, to avoid those situations, as much as possible. In that regard, digital technology has indeed proven itself to be a real boon.

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