
Mental HealthHow to Minimize Anxiety Over Remote School

Remote school is new, but it’s likely here to stay. Since the pandemic, faculty members have scrambled to find the perfect online solutions for teaching. Sadly, online classes aren’t as good as in-person courses for many students. If you’re one of those students who feel anxious about continuing your studies online, try out these tips for remote school anxiety to keep yourself grounded and thriving this school year.

1. Learn From Feedback

Take feedback from your teachers and professors as an opportunity to learn, not to meditate on what you did wrong and feel down on yourself. Your professors offer you specific feedback to improve your academic performance. How you receive feedback may alter your future goals and influence what you choose to control.

You can practice giving and receiving feedback in your relationships. When someone hurts you, communicate clearly and effectively while being open to what they have to say about how you made them feel, too. By practicing this exercise in your daily life, you may better prepare yourself for feedback in an academic setting.

2. Get Organized With a Planner

Planners may not work for everyone, but having a calendar with all of your assignments in one place can help you stay organized and minimize the anxiety you feel regarding missing a particular project. Sometimes, putting reminders in your phone to do tasks isn’t enough to cause you to remember them. It’s best if you have a physical copy of what’s due when, and with all of your classes in one place, you’ll surely be able to remember them.

Planners can be challenging to keep up with, but since you’re not carrying a backpack to class every day, you can keep it out on your desk or beside your bed so it’s always within reach. For added fun, you can color-coordinate your assignments, so writing in your planner can be an activity for you to enjoy.

3. Reach Out to Your Classmates

Staying social is crucial when you aren’t getting outside as much. Staying connected to friends and family could be a lifeline when you feel cut off from the rest of the world. People with multiple quality friendships may find less trouble with their self-esteem and developing healthy habits.

Likewise, having a support system can help you tough it out through even the roughest waves in your classes. Friends can help you understand the concepts you can’t seem to grasp, and they can also help cheer you up if you receive a lower grade than you anticipated. Don’t neglect the friendships in your life just because you’re taking courses from home.

4. Use the Study Tools Provided

Your teacher may provide you with workbooks or resources they’ve found helpful. You must remember that online school is a new concept for many high school teachers, and not every college professor has held an online class before. You’re moving into this new world of online learning together, so it’s okay to give yourself and your teachers a little grace.

Take every chance you can for extra credit, even if you don’t think you need it. You never know when a concept might come up that you’re not as strong in. Taking part in extra credit can help you maintain a good GPA, and it’ll give you extra practice with the material you may not fully understand. It’s a win-win!

5. Take Breaks and Pace Yourself

When you’re not in a physical classroom, you may find it challenging to keep track of your time and regulate yourself. You may find yourself getting distracted easily. Designate all distractions and movement for break time. Taking breaks helps clear your mind and refresh you so you can continue studying. During your breaks, you should try to stay active and get away from the screen.

The best way to deal with potential distractions is to put them away entirely. When you’re in class, make sure your phone is turned off or somewhere you can’t easily reach it. Keeping your camera on during a live course can help keep you accountable, too. Above all, be gentle with yourself. You’re only human, and humans are prone to giving in to distractions.

6. Create Schedules or Actionable To-Do Lists

Staying in a routine may help you feel more confident about attending online school. If you have to be present on video, make sure you get ready for the day just as you would for an in-person class. Continuing your regular morning routine gives you a foundation to stand on.

When building out your schedule for the day, make sure all of your tasks are realistic. It’s best to start your list with the most pressing responsibility that day, then add in smaller ones to occupy your time. It might take a bit of work to learn what to prioritize and how much you can complete in a day, but once you know, you’ll find it much easier to complete work than if you loaded yourself down with too many actionable items each day.

7. Communicate With Your Teachers and Professors

If you’re worried about a grade or an assignment, communicate with your professors. They won’t know that you have a problem with it unless you tell them. Your teacher may appreciate the initiative you took by coming forward and asking about it, and they will try to work with you to help you succeed.

Your professors are open to talking with you about an assignment, just as they were when classes were held in-person. Just don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Go With the Flow

Now you know how to minimize remote learning anxiety! Because the pandemic is ever-changing, classes will be, too. You have to prepare yourself to expect the unexpected to happen. What you’re doing one week might be different from the next.

Because you have to be ready for several changes, you might find it challenging to maintain a healthy schedule. Getting organized and setting routines can help you feel more confident as you begin your online classes this term. Let these tips for managing anxiety over remote learning serve you well.

This post has been sponsored by Grid Media Services, LLC

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