
Health ITHIPAAHIPAA and Cloud Computing: Challenges and Options

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, usually known as HIPAA, is described to be the statute that exists in the country of the United States of America.

HIPAA is known to be a federal statute, the main aim of which is to make sure that the medical information of the patients is protected to the maximum extent possible. It’s extremely important for healthcare institutions to protect patient’s data and make sure the cloud for data storage is in compliance with HIPAA.

It is known to be one of the statutes where the private and confidential information of the patients is kept secret. Every attempt is made to protect such information and prevent it from getting disclosed.

Under this statute, there are different advantages for the patients. Some of them have been summarized in this article.

Privacy protection

One of the most important advantages of the legislation in accordance with CSP is to make sure that the medical data and medical history of every patient are kept protected. It is one of the most important instruments to protect the privacy of the patients.

It protects the information from getting disclosed to the public. When such information gets leaked in the public it has a possibility of getting misused.

The importance of consent

One of the most important objectives of this legislation is to make sure that the information of the patient is kept protected. The fate of the information is rather decided by the consent of the main patient.

It is only when the patient agrees to it, that the information can be disclosed or put to use in one or another way. But if the information is not consented to be disclosed, then it must be kept secret.

Reasonable use of information

Even if the patient accepts and agrees to disclose the information, then it is important to note that a reasonable amount of information can be used only for legitimate purposes.

It must not be used in such a way that harm is caused to the owner of the information. It is important to make sure that the best possible attempt is made to make sure that the information is used for legal purposes and is not used to support any illegal activity.

Proper database for information

One of the best advantages of this statute is that it makes sure that the database for the protection of information is secure. This level of security is very important in order to keep the information safe from hacking attempts.

It is important to mention that every possible attempt is made to make sure that the government authorities keep a proper check on the flow of the information that is being recorded in order to avoid any last-minute hassles.

Scrutiny by government

All the information related to the collation of information and the protection of such information is shared with the government of the country on a regular basis from HIPAA business partners.

Accordingly, this check makes sure that the information is kept protected. Accordingly, it will also help to make sure that the Government authorities are able to spot any errors.

Accordingly, it is important to know that this is the best statue when it comes to the protection of data.

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