Road traffic collisions are one of the most common causes of death globally, with over a million lives lost each year due to these tragic accidents. Not only this, but many of these road traffic accidents can cause seriously debilitating and, even life-long, injuries. This issue is a global phenomenon that affects countries of all sizes and socio-economic backgrounds.
Driving safely on the roads is vital, especially when the lives of others are at risk. Refusing to do so could leave you in a terrible situation. To help bring awareness to the dangers of irresponsible driving, we’ve created a blog highlighting five of the most sustained road traffic injuries.
Whiplash is a common car accident injury that occurs when the neck is quickly jolted backwards and forwards. Given the strength and collision of a car crash, the neck is often jeopardised. Since whiplash is not always visible, the healing process can take up to months. Symptoms include neck pain, stiffness, and muscle spasms. For more information on rehabilitation techniques, visit this website.
Internal Bleeding
Another invisible injury sustained in road traffic accidents is internal bleeding. Also known as an internal haemorrhage, these injuries occur when a force does not directly penetrate the skin but injures organs, tissues, or bones underneath the epidermis. Most commonly, internal bleeding occurs in the cranium or abdomen, although kidneys, spleens, and livers can also rupture.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
When it comes to car accidents, not all injuries are physical. One of the most common occurrences after a vehicle crash is profound Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) from the event. You may experience visions and flashbacks even months after the crash. Similarly, you could feel depressed or agitated, and unable to carry out your life as you did before the accident.
Traumatic Brain Injuries
Traumatic Brain Injuries, or TBIs for short, can often occur after a serious blow to the head. These injuries can range from mild and temporary to serious and lifelong problems. Your brain is essential for bodily functions and a TBI could impair your memory and your ability to talk or walk.
When you suffer a car accident, you may get burns from touching parts of the car that you’re not normally exposed to, spraying liquids or friction. Similarly, the vehicle involved in the accident may combust and injure you as a result. First degree burns are easily treated at home, however, if you have third- and fourth-degree burns, you must seek medical help immediately.
Understandably, an accident is an accident, so sometimes they are completely inevitable. However, there are a few things you can do to avoid being put in that situation. For instance, you should never drive under the influence, always respect the speed limits, and practice defensive driving. At the end of the day, driving is a privilege, not a right. If you want to enjoy the freedom and autonomy that having a vehicle brings, you must also accept the responsibility.

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