
Excessive Use of Social Media Leads to a Breakup

The Internet enables people to communicate with each other online all over the world. While this is a great opportunity to stay in touch with friends and relatives who live in different corners of the globe, it is also one of the main reasons why many people struggle with lots of crises that occur in marital homes. Truth be told, it is reported that increased social media use is closely correlated with the poor quality of marital life.

So, does an increased online activity can make people prepare divorce papers? From suspiciousness to spying on their partners on the Web, married people are often way out of line online. Such inappropriate behavior can cause conflicts between them and their partners and thus is very likely to lead to a breakup. Let’s get a closer look at this issue to find out how much damage social media can do to your family union.

How Social Media Can Cause Marital Crises

It serves as a source of jealousy

About 15% of users claim that social media can drive a wedge into their marital relationships and slightly more people specify Facebook as a potential source of excessive jealousy that, sooner or later, can destroy their marriages. This is mainly because the Internet enables married partners to spy on each other online: they check each other’s pages to look for any evidence of adultery.

It brings discords into families

Sharing pictures, liking friend’s posts, and posting comments – all of this most often has nothing to do with marital conflicts. It is an increased amount of time spouses spend online that stands behind most fights between them. Couples often fight over the time one partner prefers to spend with his or her device rather than his or her spouse.

It promotes relationship neglect

Many people tend to take interest in even the most ordinary stories posted on the Internet trying to escape from their marriage problems. When someone is reading something on the Net, he or she doesn’t pay any attention to what is going on, including their partner’s feelings. Instead of solving their current problems, people prefer to read about someone’s new experience. This is how people give their partners a clear message that they are more interested in someone else but them. Being married requires much work, and many decide to escape onto the Internet rather than do what they have to.

30% of married people keep their passwords from their spouses

Many adults believe that marital relationships are supposed to be about everything, but what about that 30 % of marrieds who decided to keep their passwords private? Truth be told, a third of married people hiding their social media PWs from their spouses prefer to leave something to themselves. Moreover, 10% of adults declare to hide some pictures, posts, or texts on social media from their partners. Can such behavior make people start looking for a self-help divorce kit, can’t it?

Married people register secret accounts

While some prefer to hide their online activity from their spouses, others go further and create secret profiles. 8% of adults claim that they have secret social media accounts so that they don’t have to change their passwords regularly, watch their online behavior, continuously audit their pages, and delete inappropriate info to make sure that their better halves cannot access what they are not supposed to.

25% of married couples fight about social media regularly

It was reported that every fourth couple fights over social media use weekly. Spouses are fighting about Facebook very often so that every seventh marriage finds itself on the rocks eventually. Marriage problems caused by too much screen time are very likely to lead to divorce and thus should be solved immediately by reducing this time.

20% of spouses doubt their marital relationships because of “the evidence” they’ve found on the Net

It is reported that every fifth spouse has found something inappropriate on social media regarding his or her better half that can make him or her feel disappointed with their relationships. Moreover, very few spouses can be frank and open with their partners about their discoveries.

Online profiles serve as a source of evidence during a divorce

What every person posts online can be used against him or her in court and change the outcome of the case. Most lawyers use social media shares and comments as evidence to prove adultery, domestic abuse, etc. Therefore, people who are going through a breakup should watch their behavior and avoid speaking lightly about their divorce, marriage problems, and, of course, spouses, for a reason.

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