
GeneralChoosing The Right Cosmetic

laser for you

Cosmetic procedures have come a long way in a short time. While a few years ago you could choose from a handful of procedures, nowadays the choice is vast. In this article we are going to look at cosmetic lasers. What are they, what can they do for you and why should you consider cosmetic laser procedures? Let’s start by explaining what a laser is, and why it is useful in cosmetic surgery terms.

What is Cosmetic Laser?

Laser is an acronym. It stands for ‘light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation’. Laser was invented in the 1950’s with the first working example shown in 1960. It differs from other forms of light emission in that the beam of light is narrow and direct. This lends laser to a wide variety of uses in commerce, industry, and in the medical and cosmetic world.

If you want to check out a leader in cosmetic laser Winnipeg – Visage Cosmetic is worth a look and will give you more ideas as to what a cosmetic laser does. It’s also important to understand that there are two main types of cosmetic laser: ablative and non-ablative. Each is used for a variety of treatments. The ablative laser operates by vaporizing damaged skin on the surface. These are useful for treating, for example, scars or serious acne.

Non-ablative lasers operate beneath the skin without damaging the surface. This type of laser can be useful in anti-ageing treatments where the stimulation of collagen is required to help tighten the skin. Each is a safe and tested method of carrying out a cosmetic procedure, and with the non-ablative version especially there is no to little patient downtime with this form of cosmetic procedure. Let’s talk about some procedures that can be carried out using a laser.

Cosmetic Laser Procedures

Before we talk about some of the most common cosmetic laser procedures we need to explain that within the two main types of laser described above there are several different individual kinds. These include the CO2 laser, Erbium lasers, fractional lasers and diode lasers among others. Each serves a specific purpose in a cosmetic procedure defined by the frequency of the light emitted, and it’s possible that one procedure may involve more than one type of lasers.

There are too many procedures to list them all, so here are a few of the more common cosmetic laser procedures:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles can be successfully removed using an ablative laser, usually the CO2 type or the Erbium. In removing the outer layer of the skin, it is tightened, and the lines are reduced.
  • Pigmented lesions can be treated with a variety of types of laser that effectively destroy the pigment in the same way as the above procedure works.
  • Tattoo removal can be accomplished with the use of a type of laser known as the quality-switched laser, as well as with a type known as the Nd:YAG.
  • Hair removal is performed successfully using an Nd:YAG laser or an IPL version and is among the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures of all.

Is Cosmetic Laser Surgery?

Cosmetic laser procedures are classed as cosmetic surgery because they involve the patient undergoing what is considered a surgical procedure. However, in all of the above cases there is no necessity for anything other than a local anaesthetic, and these are safe and trusted procedures that are performed many thousands of times a day across the world. If you are considering laser surgery book a consultation right now and a surgeon will explain everything in more detail.

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