
HealthcareCan a Rhinoplasty Affect my Voice?

It’s a common cliche in boxing movies. Two heavyweight bruisers go at it toe-to-toe and in the 10th round, one lands a punch that rocks the hero to kingdom come. Somehow our hero survives the round and in his corner, he informs his trainer that the other boxer has broken his nose. “How does it look,” asks the boxer. And the trainer snaps back, “it’s an improvement.” And while accepted in the movies, a deformed. misshapen or a plain old fashioned nose that is aesthetically unpleasing is never a laughing matter to those who have the unfortunate luck to see that less than pleasing nose staring back at them in the mirror, day after day.

And whether it’s one year after falling off a horse or thirty years of living with what you personally consider an ugly nose, eventually, most people consider Rhinoplasty surgery.

Particularly with the advent of cartilage grafts, modern plastic surgeons can do wonders to aesthetically shape your nose, and in many cases, offer you a level of nasal breathing that you have never experienced before.

Rhinoplasty Concerns

Patients contemplating Rhinoplasty, the official name for a nose job, often have many concerns.

Will it alter my smile? How will I react to the anesthesia? What’s involved in the recovery time? Will I have to miss work for a long time? Will I experience pain from the procedure and how will others react to my new look?

All of these concerns should be minimized by any reputable plastic surgeon or facial reconstruction physicians website. With modern plastic surgery techniques, less than 10 percent of your physician’s patients even fill their pain medication and about the most discomfort felt is swelling and the use of a nose splint for a week or two.

Aesthetic resculpting of the nose is performed over 50,000 times per year in the United States with an overwhelming patient satisfaction rate of up to 90 percent, which may be significantly higher if a board-certified physician performs the procedure.

Will My Voice Change

One concern not listed but maybe in some patients mind is they have heard anecdotes of people having their nose reshaped and as a result their voice changes.

Most of these concerns relate back to a relatively slim study of 27 patients in a 2014 study of patients who had their nose reshaped. Of these, 22 were women, and five were professional or semi-professional performers or voice-over actors.

The 2014 study reported that most of the patients having their nose reshaped had a moderate degree of a more nasally sound to their voice as a result of a narrowing of the nasal cavities. And of course, the big story reported for years afterward was the caution that nose reshaping can ruin your singing voice.

Modern plastic surgeons dispute this and point out those top vocal singers such as Adele, Britney Spears, Janet Jackson, and Courtney Love have all had their noses worked on with no detriment. And while in the majority of the cases people notice little or no change to their voice quality, in some cases in which the nasal cavities were previously obstructed, reshaping of the nose can have a positive effect on their ability to sing with pitch and clarity.

Of course, every patient is different and that’s why the selection of an experienced, quality professional physician is so critical.

Ethnically Orientated Reshaping of the Nose

One thing to watch for is selecting a doctor that is not ethnically orientated. There are old-school doctors or those who live in an area with limited minorities who still retain a one size fits all attitude. You want a doctor doing your nose reshaping who will not only just reshape your nose but will retain the ethnic characteristics to match the rest of your appearance.

Expectations and Your Consultation

A good plastic surgeon or facial reconstructionist is not only a good doctor but a great communicator. By the time you complete your consultation and before the actual surgery takes place you want to be 100 percent certain that you and your doctor are on the same wavelength. The vast majority of people who completed their surgery with unhappy results had unreasonable expectations as to what the surgery could accomplish.

And while his words may be gentle, you also want a doctor who is completely honest. if the doctor sees there is no reason for you to undergo nose reshaping he should gently but firmly tell you so. You don’t want to go to a young, eager-beaver doctor dabbling in plastic surgery to pay for his student loans. You want an experienced helm at the wheel.

Doctor Louis DeJoseph

In the Atlanta area, Dr. Louis DeJoseph, a triple, board-certified plastic surgeon and facial reconstructionist at the Premier Image, Cosmetic and Laser Surgery Center is considered one of the best plastic surgeons in the country. Voted by Jezebel Magazine as the Atlanta 2018 physician of the year, the vast majority of his patients are referrals from previous patients. Doctor DeJoseph has long years of experience and is backed up by the finest of staff and associates.

On Doctor Joseph’s website, there’s a careful description not only of the Premier Image Cosmetic and Laser Surgery Center itself but of all the procedures performed. There are also close to 75 five-star reviews of highly satisfied patients in the Atlanta area. You can visit his site if you’re in need of a nose job specialist while in Atlanta, or if you prefer, call 770-457-6303.

When at Doctor Joeseph’s website, pay particular attention to his video and comments about performing nose reshaping with regards to ethnicity. This is something you won’t see even on the best of plastic surgeons websites and is indicative of the type of medicine he practices.

This article was sponsored by Surgeon’s Advisor

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