Life can be cruel, misfortunes do occur and people loose things or persons that are dear to them. It sometimes might even be a part of the body.
These experiences can be terribly traumatic and disheartening. People sometimes don’t recover completely from such traumas. Life however has to go on and it is the duty of the living to help out in any way possible.
What is Prosthesis Care?
This is a form of medical care and service where a lost part of the body is replaced with an artificial substitute. It is quite a technical process that requires expert handling in order for the process to be executed successfully.
The prosthetic is the artificial part or the device itself that will be attached to the body to replace the lost part while prosthesis is the sum total of the medical process that is involved in making the procedure a success.
The aim of this medical procedure is to replace that part of the body which was lost with another that will be attached to the body and function in its place. Thus, it is crucial that this process be done well so that its primary aim will not be defeated.
It is worthy of note that this procedure can sometimes be undertaken as an alternative to reconstructive surgery. This attests to the advancements that have been made in this field.
Upon getting the device, its maintenance and continuous servicing can be done anywhere, even from the comfort of your house. This is actually the more common practice these days. You can click here for more on this.
Prosthetic Components
Though there are various types of these products and equally various ways that they may be used, there are common features that can be found in most of them. Note that these are the most basic of its components and not an exhaustive list of them all.
- A Socket: This is where the stump of the severed or amputated limb is properly fitted into. It is usually custom made for the person involved and for the part of the limb it is to be fitted into.
- The Suspension: This, in most cases, is used to attach the prosthetic to the stump. It can be in the form of a suspension sleeve, a gel liner or a locking pin. It can even be designed to be held on by suction.
- The Interface: This is usually worn on the skin. It designed to be soft and very comfortable thus, they are usually made of foam or gels (mostly silicone gels)
Taking Care of Your Prosthetic Device
As with any tool or thing in life, there is the need to take proper care of your device. The primary reason for you to do this being that proper care will make it last longer and be of better use to you the owner.
You should also note that it is a part of your body now thus, taking care of it also says a lot about how you take care of your health generally.
To properly care for this device, these are some of the things you need to do daily:
- Ensure that you remove it when it is time for bed. When you are doing this, carefully examine it for any signs of damage or for any loose parts. Also, check your stump for signs of blisters or irritation.
- Ensure that you clean your stump after you must have removed your device. You should then apply a little amount of lotion on it and thoroughly massage it.
- Whenever that you are not putting on your device, ensure that you place a bandage on it. This helps with the swelling that normally might occur there.
- Do well to keep inspecting the skin of your stump area for any signs of soreness or for any injuries. You can ask for help with this from someone else.
- Do well to continue with the exercise routines that have been recommended by your therapist.
- Ensure that you wear shoes that fit properly if yours is a leg prosthetic. Do not change the height of your heels as your device is designed for a specific heel height.
- Maintain proper hygiene by cleaning your device’s socket before and after use with soap and water.
- Finally, ensure that you keep a stable body weight. This not only ensures that your device keeps fitting properly, it also helps with your general body balance. You can find out more about this here:
Advances in science and technology have greatly helped with the creation of devices that help and aid the body to function as normally as possible in spite of losses or malfunctions that some parts of the body might have experienced as a result of certain conditions or happenings.
Having gotten this much needed help, it is important that proper care be taken in the use of the prosthetic device by the user so as to get the very best out of it.

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