
Mental Health6 Ways Depression Presents Itself

Depression is a difficult battle. Those who suffer from this mood disorder experience it in their everyday lives, from socializing to going to work. While there is no cure, it is treatable, so it’s imperative to notice the signs so you know when to seek treatment. Here are seven signs of depression you should look out for.

1: Little Energy

Depression often manifests as tiredness. If you find that you are sleeping more, or that you have little energy to get through the day, then there could be something wrong. On top of little energy, many people with depression find that their movements slow down as if the world is at a slightly lower speed.

2: Lack of Self-Confidence

Depression often causes self-confidence issues. Many sufferers don’t look at themselves in a positive light, whether that be appearance-wise or personality-wise. Having a little trouble loving yourself is common and something most healthy people go through, but if you are often putting yourself down then there might be a little more to it. If you look in the mirror every day and hate what you see, you should consider seeking help.

3: Weight Changes

It is common for people with depression to either gain weight or lose it. Some sufferers find that they eat more to manage, while others forget to eat in the haze of the illness. Sudden weight loss without any known reason is usually a sign something is amiss, so it’s best to get it checked out if you experience it.

4: Alcohol/Drug Reliance

Long-term sufferers from depression might find ways to self-medicate, and this can often lead to reliance on drugs or alcohol. There are many different types of drugs people get addicted to and it’s serious whether they are legal or illegal. Reliance never solves the root of the problem — it only exacerbates it — so if you find that you are using drugs to combat your issues, drug addiction treatment could be an option for you.

5: Less Interest in Sex

Many sufferers find that they are no longer interested in activities they used to love. If you were once sexually active, but you no longer care for it, then it could be a sign of depression. If you have a partner who suddenly loses their sex-drive, then it’s best to treat the subject gently and find a way to ask them about their mental health. Fortunately, therapy and other treatments can help to bring people out of the fog and get them back to enjoying the things they love.

6: Thoughts of Self-Harm and Suicide

One of the scariest parts of depression are the thoughts about self-harm and suicide. At this stage, you must seek treatment. If you or someone you know is actively engaging in self-harm, then it could escalate, so it’s crucial that you find help right away. The amount of suicides in the US is increasing over the years, with over 48,000 suicide deaths in 2018 alone, which means looking out for the signs is important now more than ever.

Depression is a scary and sometimes confusing illness, but ignoring it will only make it worse. If you notice any signs in yourself or someone else, then the best option is to seek treatment as soon as possible to get back to a normal life.

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