
Healthcare6 Ways Acupuncture Is Different From Other Treatments

There are numerous medical modalities that people around the world have become aware of. There is allopathy, Ayurveda, and homeopathy, and then there is acupuncture as well. People talk a lot about acupuncture and the various ways it can help one achieve holistic health and overall well-being. However, a significant portion of the world population still doesn’t understand what this approach is all about.

Acupuncture is a form of treatment that is distinct from any other approach. It involves the insertion of thin needles into the skin of a person. These needles are inserted in specific points and areas of the body in various depths. Acupuncture helps you regardless of what your ailment or disease might be.

How this modality functions and delivers results is still very much unclear, particularly in scientific terms. Some people even vouch for its effectiveness and some say that it is purely psychological. There is a lot to learn about acupuncture and the way it has found its footing in the world of medicine and right next to conventional medical treatments.

1. What Is Acupuncture And How Should We Understand It?

We can understand acupuncture by the actions of the acupuncturist. This professional is going to insert needles into your body. The aim is to balance out all your energies. Experts claim that these needles help boost your overall well-being and are effective in curing several of your illnesses. The immediate effect that you are going to notice is a massive reduction in your headaches and normalization of your blood pressure. Even if you have whooping cough and some other diseases, acupuncture might be able to help better than any other medical treatment.

2. Acupuncture – A Feeling Like No Other

People who have experienced this treatment are willing to swear by its effectiveness. They are willing to stand by its various benefits and would tell you just how wonderful the whole experience is. Most people who undergo this treatment talk about how fast the entire process is able to deliver results for them. The insertion of needles produces a very pleasing sensation which is a little bit of pressure and a little pain. This is very much bearable and it makes you feel relaxed. You feel as if a mild electric current is being applied to them when the acupuncturist heats up the needles inserted into your body.

Some people also say that acupuncture makes them feel energized and untroubled. Some people claim that this procedure puts them to sleep and relaxes their nerves. The needles are obviously sterilized to prevent any infection or other health hazards. Even the FDA regulates acupuncture needles which means that it is completely safe to experience such a unique treatment if you cannot find any other solution to your long-term ailments and health issues. There are several other forms of stimulations that might be used on acupuncture points which include:

  • Heat
  • Pressure
  • Friction
  • Suction
  • Impulses of electromagnetic energy

All this is going to depend on the type of acupuncture clinic supplies the expert has in his possession.

3. Discovering The Philosophy Behind Acupuncture

There is a certain philosophy behind this treatment. The Chinese are a bit more complicated than the rest of the world; wouldn’t you agree? It is clearly an ancient practice of the east which is not traditionally based on any science or medicine. The primary thought process behind this approach is that the human body has a living force inside it which is called “qi” and pronounced as “chee.”

It is constantly flowing and when one is able to guide it towards the right places in the human body, they can achieve the right balance with it. This is what puts the mental as well as your physical health in harmony. You will experience that if you are too stressed or anxious, this treatment can help you out. If you have mood swings or any other mental health issues, acupuncture can be your rescuer.

4. Understanding The Functioning Of Acupuncture

You know by now that it is an ancient Chinese remedy that works wonders in different aspects of your well-being. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the life force within the human body can become blocked at times. It can experience different hurdles and problems from time to time. This can be due to any chemical or even weather changes that you might be going through. It can lead to pain, discomfort, nausea, and lethargy. Overall, it signifies an imbalance in your body. Traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture aim to rectify that balance and restore your life energy.

5. Rectifying Your Various Physical And Mental Conditions With Acupuncture

This treatment is capable of healing a lot of health issues. It can also help you get rid of your chronic pain or any long-time disease that you might be suffering from. It has been proven to be effective in the following areas as well:

  • Menstrual cramps
  • Arthritis
  • Knee pain
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Tension headaches
  • Back pain
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Muscle soreness
  • Infertility
  • Cancer and side effects of cancer treatment
  • Immune system problems
  • Discomfort in your nerves
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Menopause and hot flashes
  • Discomfort during pregnancy
  • Repetitive strain disorders
  • Overuse syndrome

6. Making Acupuncture A Significant Part Of Your Life

It is very much possible to make acupuncture a significant part of your life. All you need is somewhere between 60 to 90 minutes and you are done. Once you get out of that chamber, you are going to feel relaxed and at ease. There is no universal response or particular behavior that acupuncture invokes. This method of physical and mental rejuvenation has a different impact on every individual. You should first discuss your symptoms and all your health concerns with the practitioner, preferably without any needles.

Remember, one approach to acupuncture might not be suitable for another patient. Similarly, a few trigger points that might be beneficial, when stimulated for one individual might have a completely opposite effect on another. Acupuncture is known to give you a balanced and harmonious feeling within your body and soul. It just feels good.

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