Our bodies deteriorate with age. As we get older, our five senses might not be as sharp and acute as they were years ago. We may begin to notice a lapse in our sense of hearing, which could result in hearing loss. That’s why you’ll notice many older people are hard of hearing.
While you don’t have to stress over this worst-case scenario, understanding the reasons behind your hearing loss is key. Your ears may lose their normal function due to varying factors and circumstances. However, don’t wait until the last minute in order to get your hearing loss fixed. The condition can be prevented outright, but only if you act promptly and visit a hearing aid clinic as soon as possible.
Here are six possible reasons why your hearing might be getting worse:
1. Environment
No matter where we find ourselves each day, the surrounding environment is important to your hearing. For example, if you are constantly bombarded by loud noises each day, it will inevitably have an impact on your ears. If you are unable to change your setting, you will experience hearing loss.
To rectify this, a simple fix is generally required. Changing your environment will be pivotal to keeping your ears in check. If you cannot change the location, try to use various tools to mitigate the amount of noise you hear. Earplugs are a handy little device that brings more benefits than you’d anticipate!
2. Various Conditions
As mentioned previously, there may be some factors influencing your state of hearing loss. External factors, such as the environment, will play a factor in some form or fashion. On the other hand, there may be bigger influences at play, such as various medical conditions. Some of these may be hereditary in nature, which may exacerbate your senses as a whole.
While it depends on the person themselves, these health conditions can seriously impact your state of being. That is why it is always important to check in with your preferred health care specialist. Usually, you will need a comprehensive review of your bodily functions. Only then will you be able to take the right steps on your road to recovery.
3. Aging
One of the most common scenarios for hearing loss to manifest has to do with the nature of our lives. As we go beyond our younger years, the potential for us to lose our optimized performance increases. The result of this may manifest in the loss of hearing in some form or fashion.
The medical term for this is known as presbycusis, which denotes the loss of hearing within the ears. The nerves and sensitive hair cells will break down until they are no longer viable. As a result, the sounds you normally take for granted will no longer be heard. Always take this up with your audiologist before it becomes too late.
4. Conductive Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can be a painful and gradual process to the point of no possible return. However, there may be some factors present that temporarily block the passage of sounds in your ears. This process is usually referred to as conductive hearing loss and should be considered if your hearing becomes worsened.
Generally speaking, the passage of sounds from your outer ear to the eardrum will be the most affected. Or the loss of sounds may be the result of fluid in the area of your middle ear. Sometimes, bones may form in a rather abnormal way, which may require an operation if your hearing is affected.
5. Ear Wax
The buildup of ear wax within one’s ear is something that we’ve all had to deal with at some point. Generally considered harmless, ear wax can quickly become a nuisance if you are not careful. In the worst possible situation, you may require an operation of some kind to remove it.
To fix your hearing, always get your ears professionally cleaned out. The use of cotton swabs is incredibly counterproductive and may result in more damage to your ears than warranted. Damaging your ears intentionally is the last thing any of us want, especially when dealing with potential hearing loss!
6. Infections
Viruses and diseases will always be present in some form, presenting an immediate threat to our general wellbeing. The same can be said for bacterial infections, which can affect your eardrum in some fashion. Thankfully, anti-inflammatory treatments are always around the corner. If you require something stronger, be sure to contact your doctor for another suggestion.
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