
Home2017 2017 August


Telemedicine has revolutionized healthcare delivery in recent years by bringing doctors into living rooms via video. What once might have been considered science fiction is very much a reality. The concept of telemedicine started as phone and radio consults. One of the earliest examples of telemedicine was in Australia, where, in the early 1900s, people living in remote parts of the country communicated with the Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia via bicycle-powered two-way radios....


A frequently heard refrain from many “experts” is that in healthcare, markets unlike in other commodities do not work. This concept was given credence by a 1963 article written by the Nobel Prize winning economist Kenneth Arrow.[i] Professor Arrow’s five points were: 1) unpredictability – frequently our need for healthcare is unexpected and urgent 2) barriers to entry – one cannot just put up a sign and practice medicine; it takes years of education and...


Recently, the utilization of the medical practice management solution has been markedly increased among the physicians. They are using the latest technology to ensure that all the data is properly managed and nothing will go wrong regarding the insurance claims and billing information. We all know that most of the people are using the online services especially the social media sites. Their popularity is tremendously growing and most people are looking for the sites of...

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